A'THLON series

High performance mechanical anchor bolts.

mechanical anchor bolt, bolt history

Mechanical bolting was first introduced in mines in the early 50’s,

allowing to secure the roof via the suspended method. The expansion head is anchored in the stable strata of the rockmass ( punctual anchor), the different layers are compressed between the anchored head and the bearing plate. Mechanical rock bolting holds the rockmass together.It immediately secures galleries and excavations. AAAL'TO bolts are known as A'THLON series.

The A'THLON series presents 3 versions :

A'THLON series
mechanical punctual anchor.
a'thlon, mechanical punctual anchor

Bi-A'THLON series
distributed load anchors.
bi-a'athlon, distributed load anchors

Tri-A'THLON series
dynamic anchors.
tri-a'thlon, dynamic anchors

The A'THLON series presents 2 types of heads :

U TYPE shells (Universal) are suitable for hard to soft rock, even very soft ones.
Sliding to blocking effect which absorbs the movement of the rockmass.
Stamped shape/rigid design to garantee efficient anchoring in any type of rock.

L TYPE shells are used for rocks with hardness superior to 300 bars.
Blocking effect with only slight punching.
Stamped shape and rigid design with circular pattern.

A'THLON : mechanical punctual anchor bolt

The A’THLON bolts are known for their unquestioned and reliable performances.

Both shells fit the borehole and when loaded, the concentric expansion of the head guarantees the contact of the whole face of the shells with the rock thus limiting its punching while ensuring at the same time important ultimate load.

The A'THLON bolts can accept the dynamic expansion of the rock:

the bolt acts as a shock absorber.

The A'THLON bolts offer better resistance for shear strength than a grouted bolt

because of the larger space between the rod and the borehole.

Advantages of using A'THLON series :

Immediate security of the rockmass
Suitable solutions for any operating conditions

Mechanical performance
Quick/easy implementation
Competitive price

Bi-A'THLON : distributed loading anchor bolts


The Bi-A'thlon bolts derives from the A'THLON bolts and have the same heads,

so they have the same capacities. They also have the advantage of being grouted either with cement or resin.

Bi-A'THLON is an intelligent bolt of unique conception:

matching immediate security and grouting distributed loading anchor.

Bi-A'THLON is a 2-in-1 bolt

mechanical anchor and partial or total grouting improve the corrosion resistance of the bolt and assure the sealing of blocks in fractured areas.

Competitivity, adaptability, rigidity, modularity, rapidity and facility to set,

capacity and mechanical characteristics all give the Bi-A’THLON bolt a great competitivity for maximum security.
bi-athlon, bi-a'thlon bolt, distributed load anchors

Advantages of using Bi-A'THLON series :

Combination of a mechanical anchor head and a groutable tube
Choice between different tubes to match the characteristics of the other components

Double lock : loading of the head then loading of the rod
Very quick injection: less than 60 seconds to grout a 3.5m long bolt, from start to end

Choice of the part to be grouted : partial or total length
Injection can be done long after bolting

Guarantee a complete coating of the rod for a perfect loading
Quick and easy implementation : less than 2 minutes to set a 3.5m long bolt, including torquing

2-in1 concept wit the advantage of immediately securing the site no matter how long it takes for the grouting to set
Suitable solutions for any operating conditions : rigid and modular capacity of the bolts to be used in very deep-low galleries


alsyon options, feb500b, stainless steel, epoxy painting, hdg, hu nut, hl nut, hh nut

Tri-A'THLON : dynamic high performance anchor bolts


The Tri-A'THLON bolts derives from the Bi-A'THLON bolts and have the same capacities and characteristics

Tri-A'THLON series is cement or resin groutable

but in that case coating is only partial so as to keep absorbing shocks if there is any dynamic process in rocks.

Tri-A'THLON is a 3-in-1 bolt

mechanical anchor and partial or total grouting assure the capacity to absorb dynamic shocks.

Competitivity, adaptability, rigidity, modularity, rapidity and facility to set,

capacity and mechanical characteristics all give the Tri-A’THLON bolt a great competitivity for maximum security.
bi-athlon, bi-a'thlon bolt, distributed load anchors

Advantages of using Tri-A'THLON series :

Combination of a mechanical anchor head and a groutable tube
Choice between different tubes to match the characteristics of the other components

Double lock : loading of the head then loading of the rod
Very quick injection: less than 60 seconds to grout a 3.5m long bolt, from start to end

Injection (cement or resin) can be done long after bolting
Choice of the part to be coated

Guarantee a complete coating of the rod for a perfect loading
Quick and easy implementation : less than 2 minutes to set a 3.5m long bolt, including torquing

3-in-1 concept with the advantage of immediately securing the site no matter how long it takes for the grouting to set
Suitable solutions for any operating conditions : rigid and modular capacity of the bolts to be used in very deep-low galleries

AAAL'TO presents:
Quality products with much security.
Competitive price for unique performance.
French manufacturing with ISO 9001V8 certification in progress.